Under the most testing of circumstances, we have responded. Highlighting the very meaning of what it is to be human. Caring, compassionate and above all, there for each other.
This testing time has seen many acts of kindness, collaboration, personal sacrifice. But it has also shown that as a global community we have moved into the digital age. Leaving a proud but retiring industry heritage behind.
Isolation has highlighted the need to connect. This has been facilitated through web video calls, audio calls, emails, immersive environments. Digital enabling software and devices, all of which were in use, but never in focus as they are right now.
People's need to connect has adapted from face to face or hand to hand to embrace this new state. But what is important to remember is that it will be a big part of the new norm. The digital ecosystem has arrived and has taken centre stage.
What we will need to do now is take advantage of this focus to develop a set of tools. That will allow this connectivity to grow. Thus protecting companies from horrendous situations like this. Enabling people to become truly global. Never losing that personal connection with friends and family again.
It's hard to find a positive in all this. Seeing how people have reacted. How our NHS and front-line services have responded. How ordinary folk are staying at home. How individuals are standing up and being counted. We the tech community! Now have more than ever, needed to move the needle. Create a digital, immersive platform / platforms or stage to give peace of mind to all. To create a simulation ecosystem that can develop strategy. Respond to any future occurrence that impacts our very lives this way.
The tech community has a duty to build the tools that work together, “open sourced”. That give simple interaction, intuitive to human response. To promote education, learning, R&D, and above all, comfort across the world; Globally the power of many to act as one.
Time to go past helping, time to prevent a situation like this ever gaining hold of our well-being. Comprehension, human endeavour and holding our lives for ransom. Collaboration on the digital framework should now be a joint approach. Verbalised to create inclusivity, acted upon now as delay is not an option. The world has been truly knocked back by this virus, but has responded. Our human survival instincts have kicked in. The battles are getting harder and are now invisible, due to progression. We the tech community have to stand up and be counted. Building a digitally enabled, isolation free future.
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